Thursday, December 6, 2007


So I'm getting my whole family to help me sell my music and the other day my grandma called. I had sent her and my grandpa one of my first CDs. They are uber supportive and my grandma wanted me to buy two more CDs so she can give them to a friend and a local church. Now my grandma is a depression child so she's very frugal and that also in her 80's. She doesn't have a dryer but has a computer where she and my grandpa pretty much only use it for email. Anyways, I was asking her if she wanted some T-shirts too and she said she was going to copy my CD onto the computer and give it to people. I thought to myself... my grandma knows how to bootleg on a computer? My grandma is going to bootleg my CD? I don't think she realized bootlegging was a big issue in the music industry ... I'd claim most Asians are in that boat. Can't help but love my grandma for wanting to bootleg my music to promote it.

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